In the Footsteps of Bella Kelly
Past Event

2 August - 29 August 2024 / Vancouver Arts Centre
Green Skills working with Mt Barker Noongar Elders, Caroline Narkle, Frank Krakouer and their family, Noongar and Wadjella artists, and with the support of community groups and farmers ran a program of three Landcare Art Day outings between October 2023 and January. The outings provided a wonderful opportunity for Noongar and Wadjella artists paint outdoors in locations around Mt Barker with Caroline and members of her family. Caroline Narkle is a daughter of celebrated Noongar artist, Bella Kelly (1915 – 1994).
The exhibition is based on works created on the three outings on country with Caroline, Frank, their family and other Noongar artists. The outings also benefited from the participation of visual artist and educator, Nikki Green (Great Southern TAFE Art lecturer) and other members of the Denmark Butterfactory Art Gallery as well as south coast eco-fabric artist, Jenny Wilson. Locations for the art outings included the Adams family farm at Woogenellup, the Saggers farms near Kendenup, and the Green Skills Tootanellup rural property near Rocky Gully.
This program of events is supported by Green Skills, The Koorabup Trust, Oyster Harbour Catchment Group, Southern Ports and CBH Group, the Denmark and Mt Barker Visitor Centres, Katanning Art Gallery, the City of Albany’s Vancouver Arts Centre & the Denmark Butter Factory Art Gallery.
Vancouver Arts Centre
Friday 2 August - Thursday 29 August 2024
Gallery open Monday - Friday 10am - 4pm
Image: Neila Penny (Bella Kelly Family member) on Art Outing at Woogenellup and Ranges behind, Oct 2023, photo by Basil Schur.